Tuesday, 15 September 2015 a.m.
10:00–11:00 Introduction/Opening
In the opening session leading experts will give a brief overview of the benefits
radiation technology has brought to various industries.
Opening Statement by Mr Yukiya Amano, Director General, IAEA
Mr Sergey Kirienko, Chief Executive Officer, ROSATOM, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Mr Ratan Kumar Sinha, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission; Secretary,
Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, INDIA
Mr Taylor Wilson, Nuclear Physicist, UNITED STATES
11:00–12:00 Session 1: Battling the Bugs
Radiation can kill disease-causing germs and neutralize other harmful organisms,
being often used to clean, sterilize and sanitize materials. This session will discuss
how nuclear applications and radiation technology benefit human health and
improve healthcare.
Mr Josef Mittendorfer, Consultant, High Tech Consulting, AUSTRIA
Ms Celina Ines Horak, Head, Department of Radiation Processing Application,
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA), ARGENTINA
Mr Justin Davies, Leader, Radiation Technology, Australian Nuclear Science and
Technology Organization (ANSTO), AUSTRALIA
12:00–13:00 Session 2: Linking the Chains
Radiation processing of polymers such as rubber is cost-effective and allows mass
production of high quality products. Once set up, radiation processing techniques
can make large-scale production economical and environment-friendly. This session
will highlight the wide reach of radiation technologies used for cross-linking
processes in materials, which benefit a variety of industries and ultimately
Ms Yuwei Zhang, Vice President, Wuxi El Pont Radiation Technology Company,
Mr Wilson Calvo, Administrative and Infrastructure Director, Nuclear and Energy
Research Institute, National Nuclear Energy Commission (IPEN), BRAZIL
Mr Masao Tamada, Director General, Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research
Institute, Sector of Nuclear Science Research, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA),